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作者:JDD  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2015-03-24  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin




1. 各处,到处:

He traveled about the world. 他周游了全世界。

The books were scattered about the floor. 书扔在地板上到处都是。

2. 附近,离不远,在的周围:

He is somewhere about the house. 他就在这房子的什么地方。

3. 关于,对于,涉及,有关:

He talked about his family. 他谈到了他的家人。

I spoke with him about the matter. 我同他谈过此事了。

4. 身上,在身边,在手头上:

Do you have a lighter about you? 你身上带有打火机吗?

There was something about him that I did not like. 他有些表现我不喜欢。

5. 大约在:

About this time an incident happened. 差不多就在这个时候,发生了一件事。

6. 从事于:

What are you about? 你在干什么?

He knew what he was about. 他知道自己在做什么。


How [What] about…怎么样

What about the others? 其他人怎么

How about going on a picnic? 去野餐怎么样?


在动词know, hear, speak等之后用不用介词about,含义有差别:

I have heard about him, but I don’t know him. 我听到过一些关于他的事,但不认识他这个人。

I’ve heard of him, but I don’t know about him. 我听说过他,但我不知道有关他的情况。比较:

He knows her. 他认识她。

He knows of her. 他知道有她这样一个人。

He knows about her. 他知道有关她的情况。

【用法辨析】about, on

两者均可表示关于,但about指泛泛地或非正式地谈论某事物,其内容也较为普通;而on则指比较有系统地或理论性较强地谈论某事物,其内容较正式或较严肃。如说a book on rabbits,指的可能是一本论及兔子的学术著作;若说a book about rabbits,则指的可能是一本供小孩看的关于兔子的故事书。


1. 大约,差不多:

We waited for about 20 minutes. 我们大约等了20分钟。

Is that about right? 那样差不多吗?

2. 到处:

Don’t drop cigarette ash about. 不要乱弹烟灰。

3. 在四周,在附近:

There was nobody about. 附近没有人。


be about to do sth 即将(就要、正要)做某事:

They are about to start. 他们就要动身了。



They are about to start soon

tomorrow. 在美国口语中,be about to do sth的否定式意为不愿”“不打算


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