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作者:田  光  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2008-06-22  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



1. 用作名词:表示“注意”、“小心”、“关心”等,均为不可数名词。如:

You must do it with great care. 你必须十分小心地做它。

Care is needed when crossing the road. 过马路时要小心。

We should take good care of the children. 我们应该好好照看这些孩子。

2. 用作动词:注意以下用法:

(1) 后接不定式,表示“愿意”、“喜欢”、“想要”,通常用于否定句疑问句或条件句等。如:

I don’t care to play basketball. 我不喜欢打篮球。

Would you care to go for a walk? 你想去散散步吗?

(2) 后接从句,表示“在乎”“在意”等,多用于否定句疑问句,偶尔也用于肯定句。如

I don’t care what they say. I shall go on just the same. 我不在乎他们说什么,不管怎么说,我都会继续干下去。

I really care whether we win or lose. 我们是输是赢我真的很在乎。

3. 用于 care about

(1) 表示“在乎”、“介意”。如:

He does not care about his clothes. 他对穿衣服在乎。

The only thing he cares about is money. 他只在乎钱。

(2) 表示“对……感兴趣”。如:

I don’t care about it. 我对此不感兴趣(from www.yywords.com)

He cared little about computers. 他对计算机没什么兴趣。

4. 用于 care for

(1) 表示“喜欢”,通常用于否定句疑问句。如:

Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?

He doesn’t care much for music. 他不大喜欢音乐。

(2) 表示“照看”、“照顾”(可用于各种句型)。如:

He cared for his father all through his long illness. 他父亲在长期的生病期间由他照顾。

Who will care for him if his wife dies? 假若他妻子死了,谁来照顾他?

(from www.yywords.com)


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