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作者:马庚华  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2008-07-24  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin




1. 用来强调句中的谓语动词(要重读),以加强语气,此时谓语的时态由 do 来体现,其后的谓语动词用原形。如:

He does speak well. 他的确说得好。

He said he would come and he did come. 他说他会来的,他果然来了。


Do sit down. 请坐请坐!

Do be careful. 一定要仔细。

【注】以上用 do 表示强调的用法只见于肯定句,不见于否定句疑问句。如:

误:You don’t do look nice today.

误:Don’t do be careless. (from www.yywords.com)

2. 用于 do 动名词:表示一项需要一段时间的活动或经常性的活动(如日常生活,业余爱好等)。注意:在这类用法中,在 do动名词之间往往有一个限定词(如:the, some, my, much, a lot of )。如:

Mother does her washing on Sunday. 母亲星期天洗衣服。

Can you do the shopping for me? 你可以替我买买东西吗?

He did a lot of running when he was young. 他年轻时经常跑步。

I’d like to stay at home and do some reading. 我想留在家里看看书。

3. 用于 do with, 主要用法有

(1) 表示需要或希望得到某物,通常与 could 连用,有时与 can 甚至 will 等连用。如:

I could do with a cup of coffee. 我想喝一杯咖啡。

You look as if you could do with a good night’s sleep. 你看来似乎需要好好睡上一夜。


I can’t do with loud music. 我受不了喧闹的音乐(from www.yywords.com)

(2) 用来询问如何处理某事物(通常含有把某物弄到哪儿去之意),此时通常要与 what 连用。如:

AWhat have you done with my pen? 你把我的钢笔弄到哪儿 去了?

BI put it away. 我把它收起来了。

What are we going to do with the food left over from theparty? 我们宴会上剩下的食物怎么办?

比较 do with do to

What did you do with my book? 你把我的书弄到哪里去了?

What did you do to my book? 你把我书怎样了? (弄坏了还是丢掉了?)

what 连用的 do with有时还可以表示“利用”或“对付”。如:

I don’t know what to do with this strange object. 我不知道这怪东西有什么用。

What are you going to do with these hooligans? 你打算怎样处置这些小流氓?

(3) 表示打发时间或安排时间,其后通常接反身代词。如:

Tell me what you did with yourselves on Sunday. 告诉我你们星期天是怎样过的。

后接反身代词,有时表示“控制”。如(from www.yywords.com)

The children didn’t know what to do with themselves forexcitement. 孩子们兴奋得无法控制自己。

(4) 表示将就或凑合,意为“对付过去”、“凑合着”等。如:

Can you do with a five-yuan note? 给你五块钱够了吗?

If we can’t afford meat we shall have to do with fish. 要是我们买不起肉,就只得吃鱼了。

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