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作者:tjg  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2008-09-19  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



1. 表示“期待”“期望”,通常用作及物动词,不要受汉语的影响在其后误加介词 for。如:


误:I’m expecting for a telephone call from her.

正:I’m expecting a telephone call from her.


:We should not expect for success overnight.

:We should not expect success overnight.

2. 不要认为 expect 只表示“期待”或“期望”,它还可以表示“预计”“预料”等。如:

I expect a storm. 我预计会有场暴风雨来。

I expect to be back on Sunday. /I expect that I will be back on Sunday. 我预计星期日回来。

有时可用于不好的方面。如(from www.yywords.com)

He expects to fail the exam. 他预料自己考试不会及格。

3. 其后可接不定式或不定式的复合结构,但不能接动名词。如

I expect to finish the work by Friday. 我期望能在星期五以前完成此工作。

He expected her to go with him. 他期望她同他一起去。

4. 其后可接 that 从句,若从句谓语为否定,注意否定的转移。如:

I don’t expect that he has done such a thing. 我预料他不会干出这种事来。


I expect you’re tired. 我想你是累了吧。

其后可接 that 从句,但不接 wh 从句,若遇有疑问词,则要使用“疑问词do you expect……”这样的句式。如:


误:Do you expect when you will leave?

误:Do you expect when to leave?

正:When do you expect to leave?

在简略回答中,expect 后的 that 从句可用so(肯定) not(否定)代替。如:

A:Will he come back soon? 他很快会回来吗?

B:I expect so (I expect not). 我想是的(我看不会)


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