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作者:admin  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2008-10-10  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



I. Choose the best from the four answers provided for each question. (20 points)

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Shakespeare’s poem “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet” is a reflection of the conventionalist’s opinion concerning the relationship between sound and meaning.

B. Facts have proved the naturalists to be valid concerning the relationship between sound and meaning.

C. The conventionalists hold that the relations between sound and meaning are conventional and arbitrary.

D. The fact that words with the same meaning have different phonological forms in different languages supports the conventionalists.

2. The word “brunch” is formed from “breakfast” and “lunch”. Such a process of word-formation is called ____________.

A. affixation    B. back-formation    C. blending    D. abbreviation

3. It’s easy for us to associate “husband” with “wife”. Such an association is an application of ____________.

A. the minimal-contrast rule

B. the feature-deletion and –addition rule

C. the marking rule

D. the category preservation rule

4. The pair of antonyms “teach—learn” belong to ____________.

A. complementaries

B. contraries

C. conversives

D. None of the above

5. The derivational antonym of “pleasant” is ____________.

A. pleasure

B. unpleasant

C. disgusting

D. not pleasant

6. The pair of words “air — heir” belong to ____________.

A. homograph

B. homophone

C. full homonyms

D. none of the above

7. The major difference between “propaganda” and “publicity” lies in their ____________.

A. distribution

B. emotional coloring

C. stylistic coloring 

D. collocation

8. The semantic relationship between “spinach” and “vegetable” is a kind of ____________.

A. hyponymy 

B. antonymy  

C. synonymy  

D. homonymy

9. ____________ are related in the same way as the pair of words “Mystery: Clue” are related to each other.

A. Book: reader

B. fruit: bowl 

C. door: key  

D. detective: crime

10. The word “nice” originally meant “foolish”, and now it means “pleasant”. This process of semantic change is called _______.

A. degeneration

B. generalization

C. elevation

D. specialization


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