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作者:admin  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2008-10-26  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



英语学术词汇表》(The Academic Word List, AWL)是一个由Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 的一些应用语言学家统计出来的词汇表,它包含了学术英语(English for Academic Purpose)中最常用的570个词目(headwords)。

《英语学术词汇表》分10个sublists (小类),除了第10小类包含30个词目外,其他小类均含有60个词目。Sublist 1(第1类)包含的词汇最常用,sublist 2(第2类)中的词汇使用频率稍低,其他的sublists 依次类推。


Useful academic vocabulary is contained in the Academic Word List, which is divided into 10 sublists in order of frequency, ie Sublist 1 has the most frequent academic words.

You can try to learn these words from the lists but to learn to use them correctly you need to study them in context….


Sublist 9 of the Academic Word List





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