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作者:TJK  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2008-11-02  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin




1. Come to think of it.

(1) 表示突然想起某事,意为:我想起来了。如:

Come to think of it. I should write home today. 想起来了,我今天该给家里写信了。

Come to think of it. Jim promised to telephoned me about this time. 我想起来了,吉姆答应大约这个时候给我打电话的。

有时也可说成 Now I come to think of it. 如:

My father looked worried and, now I come to think of it, so did my brother. 我父亲当时看起来很焦急,对了我想起来,当时我哥哥也很焦急。

(2) 表示对某情况仔细一想(从而对其有新的认识),意为:细想一下; 仔细一想。如:

Come to think of it, it’s a wonderful idea. 细想一下,这是一个很好的主意。

Come to think of it, there’s some truth in what he said. 细想一下,他说的话里有些道理。

2. Do you think?

用于引起对方的注意(通常附在疑问句之后),意为:你认为……? 你看……? 如:

What is it, do you think? 你看这是什么?

What’s she doing, do you think? 你认为她在干什么?

Could I leave now, do you think? 请问我现在离开了吗?

3. Do you think so?

表示:你这样认为吗? 真的吗? 如:

AEnglish is a difficult language to learn. 语是一门难学的语言。

BDo you think so? Actually, I find it quite easy. 你这样认为吗? 说真的,我觉得英语很容易。

ALook, how beautiful the girl is! 你看,这姑娘 多美!

BDo you think so? 真的吗?

4. Don’t you think?

(1) 用来询问对方的看法,意为:你说呢? 你说是吗? 你说对不对? 如:

It must be a very good book, don’t you think? 那一定是一本好书,你说呢?

It’s high time we had a cup of tea somewhere, don’t you think? 我们早就该找个地方喝杯茶了,你说是不是?

Their performance was wonderful, don’t you think?他们的表演非常精彩,你说是吗?

(2) 表示委婉的否定、反驳或不同意,意为:难道你不这样认为吗? 如:

AHe married a beautiful girl. 他娶了个漂亮的姑娘。

BOhreally? But I think she’s a little too short, don’t you think? 噢,真的吗? 但我认为她略矮了点,你不这样认为吗?

AThe book is well written. 这本书写得很好。

BYes, well written as a whole---but there are some boring patches, don’t you think? 是的,总的说来,写得很好但是,有些段落写得很枯燥,你不这样认为吗?

5. I think.


He won’t come, I think. 我想他不会来了。

AWhere is Mary? 玛丽在哪里?

BPerhaps she’s in the garden, I think. 我想她也许在花园里。

AIt’s going to rain, I think. 我看要下雨了。

BNo, I don’t think so. 我看不会下。

6. I don’t think.


She’s very clever? I don’t think. 她很聪明? 我可不相信。

AEveryone says he’s honest. 大家都说他很诚实。

BHonest, I don’t think. 诚实! 我可不信。

AAnd don’t forget I’m a beautiful girl. 别忘了我可是个漂亮的女孩哟。

BYou’re a beautiful girl? I don’t think. 你是个漂亮的女孩? 我可看不出来。


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