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作者:TJK  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2008-11-04  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin




1. Very well

(1) 用于回答问候健康的句子,意为:很好。如:

AHow are you? 你好吗?

BVery well, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你好吗?

(2) 表示同意,意为:好吧;好的;好啦。如:

Very well. I promise you. 好吧,我答应你。

AWould you please lend me some money? 你可以借此钱给我吗?

BVery well, if you are in trouble. 好啦,要是你有困难的话。


Very well, sir, you’re the master and I’m the man. 是咯,先生,你是主人,我听从你的吩咐。

Very well, if you’d rather do that, do it. 好吧,如果你一定要那样做,就那样做吧。

AYou ought to take a coat with you. 你应该带件外套去。

BOhvery well, if I must. 好吧,如果你一定要我带的话,那我就带吧。

2. Well.


(1) 表示惊讶,意为:啊、咳、嘿。如:

Well, you’ve grown. 唷,你长高了。

Well, who would have thought it? 啊,谁会想到是这样呢?


Well, that’s over. 好啦,搞完啦。

Well, here we are at last. 好啦,我们终于到了。

(3) 表示让步,意为:好吧。如:

Well, perhaps you’re right. 好吧,也许你是对的。

Well, it may be true. But I find it difficult to believe. 好吧,这也许是真的,不过叫我难以相信。

(4) 表示无可奈何,意为:唉。如:

Well, it can’t be helped. 唉,这是没办法的事。

Well, there’s nothing we can do about it. 唉,我们无能为力了。

(5) 表示期待,意为:嗯,喂。如:

Well, what happened next? 嗯,后来怎样了?

Well then, who’d like some coffee? 喂,谁想喝咖啡?

(6) 表示疑问,意为:喂,怎么啦?

Well, who was it? 喂,你刚才讲的是谁?

AWill you do me a favour? 请帮我个忙好吗?

BWell? 怎么啦?


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