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作者:佚  名  文章来源:英语词汇网  点击数  更新时间:2008-11-07  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin





汤羹类 (Soups)


八宝海茸羹 Seaweed Soup of Eight Delicacies

煲参翅肚羹 Abalone and Shark’s Fin with Fish Maw Soup

凤凰玉米羹 Sweet Corn Soup with Egg

桂花雪鱼羮 Codfish Soup with Osmanthus Sauce

鸡茸粟米羮 Minced Chicken and Corn Soup

九王瑶柱羹 Scallop Soup

浓汤鱼肚羮 Fish Maw Soup

太极素菜羹 Thick Vegetable Soup

西湖牛肉豆腐羹 Minced Beef and Tofu Soup

蟹肉粟米羹 Sweet Corn Soup with Crab Meat

雪蛤海皇羹 Snow Clam and Scallop Soup

鱼肚粟米羹 Fish Maw in Sweet Corn Soup

竹笙海皇羹 Bamboo Fungus and Seafood Soup

酸辣鱿鱼羹 Hot and Sour Squid Soup

台湾肉羹 Shredded Pork and Squid Soup, Taiwan Style

干贝芥菜鸡锅 Chicken Soup with Scallops and Chinese Broccoli

海鲜盅 Seafood Bowl with Assorted Ingredients

蟹肉烩竹笙 Crab Meat in Bamboo Fungus Soup

浓汁三鲜 Three Delicacies Soup

贝松鱼肚羹 Minced Scallop with Fish Maw Soup

浓汁木瓜鱼肚 Fish Maw and Diced Papaya Soup

灵芝金银鸭血羹 Duck Blood, Mushrooms and Tofu Soup

莲子鸭羹 Duck and Louts Seed Soup

龙凤羹 Minced Chicken with Fish Soup

蟹肉豆腐羹 Tofu and Crab Meat Soup

虫草鸭块汤 Duck with Aweto Soup

大葱土豆汤 Potato and Leek Soup

冬瑶花胶炖石蛙 Stewed Frog with Scallop and Fish Maw in Soup

豆苗枸杞竹笋汤 Pea Sprouts and Bamboo Shoot Soup with Chinese Wolfberry

番茄蛋花汤 Tomato and Egg Soup

凤尾虾丝汤 Phoenix-Tailed Prawns and Seaweed Soup

极品山珍汤 Wild Mushroom Soup

家常蛋汤 Egg Soup

老火炖汤/每日例汤 Soup of the Day

龙虾浓汤 Lobster Soup

绿色野菌汤 Mushroom Soup

萝卜煲排骨汤 Pork Ribs and Turnip Soup

萝卜丝鲫鱼 Crucian Carp Soup with Shredded Turnips

美味多菌汤 Chef’s Special Mushroom Soup

浓汤鱼片汤 Fish Filets Soup

山菌时蔬钵 Consommé of Mushrooms and Vegetables

山珍菌皇汤 Fungus and Mushroom Soup

上海酸辣汤 Hot and Sour Soup, Shanghai Style

蔬菜海鲜汤 Seafood and Vegetable Soup

酸辣海参乌鱼蛋汤 Hot and Sour Cuttlefish Roe Soup with Sea Cucumber

酸辣汤 Hot and Sour Soup


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