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sad adj. 1.悲伤的,难过的:I'm sad about[at, for, over] his death. 我为他的死而感到悲伤。/ He is sad to hear the news. 听到这个消息他很难过。2.令人悲伤的,令人难过的:We were sad at the sad news. 听到这个令人伤心的消息我们都很难过。/ It is sad that you've been ill for such a long time. 你病了这么久真叫人难受。

sadly adv. 1. 悲哀地,难过地:He looked at her sadly. 他难过地看着她。2. 令人遗憾地,不幸地:Sadly, our plan failed. 我们的计划不幸失败了。/ Sadly, we have no more money. 可惜我们没有钱了。

safe adj.安全的,牢靠的:Don’t cry, you are safe now. 不要哭,你现在不会有危险了。/ She wished them a safe journey. 她祝他们一路平安。/ Do you think the water is safe to drink? 你认为这水喝起来安全吗? / Is the rope safe? 这绳子牢靠吗?

safety n.[U]安全,保险:safety belt 安全带 / safety lock安全锁 / safety glass 安全玻璃 / safety match 安全火柴 / Safety first. (标语等)安全第一。/ Don't worry about his safety. 别为他的安全担心。/ They ran to safety, away from the fire.他们跑到安全的地方,远离了大火。

【短语】in safety 安全地:He crossed the road in safety. 他安全地穿过了马路。/ We are now in safety. 现在我们安全了。

sale n. 1.[U,C]卖,出售:The sail of his old house made him sad. 卖掉老房子使他很难过。/ I hope I'll make a sale today. 我希望今天能做笔生意。 2.[C]销量,销售额:Sales of cars have increased. 汽车销售量增加了。

【短语】1. for sale 待售,出售的:The car is for sale. 此车出售。2. on sale 出售,削价出售:Summer wear is on sale. 夏季衣服已在出售。

salesgirl n.[C]女售货员:I know the salesgirl. 我认识这个女售货员。

salt n.[U]盐:salt lake 盐湖 / salt water 盐水 / The vegetables need more salt. 这些蔬菜要多加点盐。/ The soup needs more salt. 这汤还要放点盐。/ Please pass me the salt. 请把盐递给我。

same pron.同样的事()All the newspapers say the same. 所有报纸都那样报道。adj.同样的,同一的:We met again at the same place. 我们在同一个地方再次相见。/ They are the same size. 它们同样大小。/ She asked whether we came from the same city. 她问我们是不是同乡。/ He made the same mistake again and again. 他反复犯同样的错误。

【考点】1.其前通常要用定冠词,但在个别口语表达中有时可省略the"Merry Christmas." "Same to you." “祝圣诞快乐。”“也祝你圣诞快乐。2.要表示一样,要用 the same as,不能想当然地用as same asthe same with[like]Is this book the same as that one? 这本书与那本书是一样的吗?

【短语】1. all the same 尽管如此(仍然),无所谓:Thank you all the same. (不管怎样)我还是要谢谢你。/ Do whatever you want, it's all the same to me. 你想干啥就干啥,我无所谓。2. (the) same to you 你也一样:“Have a good weekend.” “The same to you.” “周末愉快。”“也祝你愉快。

San Francisco n.旧金山:Have you been to San Francisco? 你去过旧金山?

sand n. 1.[U]沙,沙子:The floor was covered with sand. 地板上尽是沙。2. (常用复)沙滩,沙地:The children were playing on the sand(s). 孩子们在沙滩上玩。/ The ship struck the sands. 船搁浅在沙滩上。

【用法】play in the sand play on the sand(s)的含义稍有不同:前者表示在一堆沙子上玩或玩沙子,后者表示在沙滩上玩(=play by the seashore)

sandwich n.[C]三明治:He offered me a sandwich. 他拿给我一份三明治。/ I made a chicken sandwich. 我做了个鸡肉三明治。/ Mother made us some sandwiches. 母亲给我们做了些三明治。

【背景】指一种夹心面包,即在两块面包(通常先涂黄油)之间夹入某种食物(通常为冷食),如果酱(jam)、干酪(cheese)、火腿(ham)、烤牛肉(roast beef)等,并分别叫做果酱三明治(jam sandwich)、干酪三明治(cheese sandwich)、火腿三明治(ham sandwich)、烤牛肉三明治(roast beef sandwich)等。

SAR n.特别行政区:Hong Kong is an SAR. 香港是一个特别行政区。

satellite n. 1.[C]卫星:communication satellite 通信卫星 / man-made satellite 人造卫星 / A satellite moves round a planet. 卫星绕着行星转。/ They receive television pictures by satellite. 他们通过人造卫星接收电视图像。

Saturday n.[C,U]星期六:Today is Saturday. 今天是星期六。/ He will arrive (on) Saturday morning. 他将在星期六上午到。/ She doesn't have to work on Saturdays. 星期六她不需去工作。

save v. 1.救,挽救:He saved her life. 他救了她的命。/ Who saved my son? 是谁救了我儿子? 2.节省,节约:Children should learn to save. 小孩子应该学会节约。/ Machines save labor. 机械节省劳力。3.免去,省去:That will save us a lot of trouble. 那将省去我们许多麻烦。/ If you buy this one, it will save you $2. 你如果买这一个,可以省2美元。

say v. 1.说,讲:What did he say? 他说什么了? / He said (that) she was ill in bed. 他说她卧病在床。/ He said nothing about it. 他对此什么也没有说。/ He said sorry to me. 他向我道歉。/ Say it in English. 用英语说它。

【用法】1.通常为及物动词(其后应有宾语),但在个别表达中也可用不及物动词It’s hard to say. 很难说。/ I can't say. 我说不准(我不知道)2.注意常用句型It's said that...(据说)It's said that he stole the money. 据说是他偷了这笔钱。

【辨析】speak, talk, tellsay的区别,参见speak

scenery n.[U]风景:What beautiful scenery! 真是风景如画! / The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. 山里的景色非常美。/ The driver stopped now and again so that we could enjoy the scenery. 司机不时地把车子停下来,以便让我们欣赏风景。/ The scenery is too beautiful for words. 风景美得无法言传。


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