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作者:HMCD  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2009-01-04  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin




name n.1.[C]姓名,名字:What's your name? 你叫什么名字? / What is your family name? 您姓什么?/ The teacher knows all the pupils by their first name. / 教师知道全部学生的名字。/ Do you know the name of this flower? 您知道这种花叫什么名字吗?vt.命名,名叫:She was named after her mother. 她是以她母亲的名字命名的。/ They named their baby Sophie. 他们给孩子起名索菲。

nation n.[C]国家,(全国)人民:the nations of Western Europe 西欧国家 / The Chinese nation has a long history. 中华民族历史悠久。/ What's is the biggest nation in Europe? 欧洲最大的国家是哪个?

national adj.国家的,全国性的,民族的:National Day 国庆日 / the national flag 国旗 / The national news comes after the international news. 国内新闻在国际新闻之后报道。

natural adj.1.自然的,天然的:Milk is the natural food for young babies. 牛奶是婴儿的天然食物。2.天生的:It is natural for a bird to fly. 鸟天生就会飞。3.正常的,通常的:It’s natural for a child to love its mother. 孩子爱母亲,这是常情。/ It is quite natural that you (should) succeed. 你的成功是很自然的。4.自然的,不做作的:Try to look natural for your photograph. 拍照时要自然一点。

nature n.[U]自然,自然界:Mother Natural 大自然 / We enjoy the beauty of nature. 我们欣赏自然之美。/ It is a great joy to battle against nature. 与大自然奋斗,其乐无穷。

near adj.近的,接近的:The post office is quite near. 邮局就在附近。/ Can you tell me the nearest way to the station? 你能告诉我去车站最近的路吗? adv. 1.附近,邻近:He lives quite near. 他住得很近。/ National Day is drawing near. 国庆节快要到了。/ I lived nearer to the school than you. 我比你住得离学校近。prep. 1.附近,靠近:The time draws near New Year. 时节将接近新年。/ Come and sit near me. 过来坐在我身旁。

【辨析】nearclose1.两者均可用作形容词和副词,表示时间、距离或程度上的接近,含义大致相同(只是closenear表示得更为接近)John lives near[close] by. 他住在附近。/ The school is near[close] to the shop. 学校离商店很近。2. near可用作介词,而close一般不这样用(若用close则要加to)They lives near[near to, close to] the school. 他们住在学校附近。 3.在某些习语中两者不可混用:the near future 不久的将来 / in the near distance 在不远处 / a close friend 密友

nearby adj.附近的:She came from a nearby village. 她来自附近的一个村庄。/ We had our supper in a nearby restaurant. 我们在附近的一家餐馆吃了晚饭。adv.附近,在附近:There is a hospital nearby. 附近有家医院。/ Is there a telephone nearby? 这附近有电话吗?

【用法】1.用作形容词修饰名词时,可放在名词之前或之后:He lives in a nearby town[a town nearby]. 他住在附近的一个城镇。2.用作副词时可分开写(near by)She lives nearby[near by]. 她住在附近。

nearly adv.将近,几乎:It is nearly five o'clock. 差不多5点了。/ He is nearly sixty. 他差不多60岁了。/ Nearly all the guests are here. 差不多所有的客人都来了。/ He thinks that he knows nearly everything. 他自认为无所不知。/ I am nearly ready. 我差不多准备好了。/ I've nearly finished. 我差不多干完了。/ It's nearly impossible. 那几乎是不可能的。/ He is nearly as tall as her. 他差不多与她一样高。/ He fell and nearly broke his leg. 他跌了一跤,险些跌断了腿。/ The train was nearly full. 火车差不多满了。


neat adj.整洁的: Cats are neat animals. 猫是爱整洁的动物。/ Keep your room neat and tidy. 房间里的东西要整整齐齐。/ Her son is a neat child. 她的儿子是个爱干净的小孩。

neatly adv. 整洁地,干净地

necessary adj.1.必需的,必要的:Do you think it necessary? 你认为这有必要吗? / If necessary, ring me at home. 如果必要,可以打电话到我家找我。/ Great care is necessary in doing it. 做这件事必须非常小心。/ Is it really necessary for me to attend the meeting? 是不是真需要我参加这次会议?

【用法】表示有必要,其后可接介词toforSleep is necessary to[for] health. 睡眠对健康是必要的。/ Food is necessary for[to] life. 食物对生命是必要的。

neck n.1.[C]颈,脖子:She fell and broke her neck. 她摔断了脖子。/ The enemy put a rope round her neck. 敌人把绳子套在她的脖子上。/ She put her arms round her mother's neck. 她搂住她妈妈的脖子。

【短语】neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分上下:The race started with the horses nearly neck and neck. 比赛开始时所有的马几乎是齐头并进。


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